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Monday, May 24, 2010

The Dog Days of Spring

Meet Auntie Coll and Uncle Mark's pug Stinky. He is 18 years old (I think Jake said he's as old as Grandpa!!!). Stinky was the one left behind to greet us after our 8 hour car ride to Chicago. Devin was very excited to meet's a wonder Stinky even came out after meeting us all.

Stinky and Devin spent the mornings lounging in the kitchen sunning themselves.

Auntie Coll and Uncle Mark have another pug. His name is Herbie. Lily, however, couldn't remember it so she called him either "Barbie" or "Harvey"!

Lily was a little bit afraid of Herbie at first- he's a puppy and very jumpy. Herbie even managed to knock Devin over a couple of times! By the end of our trip, Lily was head over heels in love with Barbie (I mean Herbie)

And yes, do not adjust your screens. This is not trick photography. Jake REALLY liked the pugs. He petted them and took them for walks.

He even fed them carrots as treats. Did you know that pugs LOVE carrots?

We had a great time meeting and playing with Stinky and Herbie...can we get one?

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