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Monday, May 24, 2010

Cellular Field-The White Sox Stadium

This is Cellular Field- Home of the Chicago White Sox. It's not the Twins Stadium- but it's still pretty cool. And as Mom said- if she still lived in Chicago she'd be a White Sox fan (so it's all good).

Mommy's friend Jen works for the White Sox and offered to give us a behind the scenes tour of the stadium. What a sweet job- maybe I could work for the Twins one day?

We got to walk through the tunnels the players walk through to get to the field. Did you know that right before they head out they can get some popcorn and drinks? And they don't even have to walk- they can use a golf cart to get around!

Here we are in the Visitor's dug out. It's not as nice as the home teams (duh!), but we had to stay loyal to the Twins.

The field is awesome! It is HUGE. They cut the grass every day- that must be why it looks so green and perfect.

Lily and I roamed around the stadium. We ran up and down the aisles and decided that the seats at the very top were our favorites (not the best seats in the house we were told, but what a view). Teddy needed to rest so she plopped herself down in a front row seat above the White Sox dugout (prime seats)

Yes, we wore Twins gear to the ballpark. Here I am yelling "Safe" at first base.

We weren't allowed to walk on the dirt- the grass was just for us to run around on and pretend we were playing baseball.

What a great experience this was! I think Dad loved it as much as I did.

I think maybe when I'm not being a policeman I'll be a Twins player- yeah that sounds like a good idea!

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