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Monday, April 26, 2010

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

Shhhh ... you must swear on your favorite stuffed animal that we DO NOT EXIST. We want you to be safe. We do not know if we would be able to save you if you fell into our arch-enemies clutches!

What if you were kidnapped during milk time? Precious time would be lost while we enjoyed our snack time.

Not to mention cookie time- we really don't save lives during cookie time. You'd be treading on thin ice if anything happened to you during this time.

But don't worry dear friends and family- we would eventually come to your aid.

We might have to pause and contemplate your fate, or which direction you were taken in (we might have to stop by Grandpa's house and borrow his TomTom)...

We may have stop and try out some new disguises. FInding the right one is tricky sometimes. Our enemies are numerous and they know us all too well. Fortunately, the element of surprise is on our side.

We may also have to take a quick nap to re-center ourselves and re-energize.

So don't worry, go ahead- tell someone that we exist.

We'll save you...eventually!


Anonymous said...

Somehow ...The world feels just a little safer.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, the world feels just a little bit safer.