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Monday, April 5, 2010


Look at all these lovely rainbow colors! Did you know that they now make a brown was one of Jake's favorites.

While Daddy prepared the dye to color the Easter eggs we had to wait...

Some of us waited better than...


But we all eventually got on the same page and were beyond excited to dye the eggs (and anything else that happened to get in the dyes way)

Pinkalicious Lily colored her eggs every possible shade of pink.

Jakie experimented, dipping the egg into various colors. Some were hits and some were misses...but they were all unique and wonderful

Devin wasn't allowed to dye Easter eggs this year, so he studied the back of the egg dying kit in preparation for next year.

Voila! Aren't they

So was Jakie's hand! It stayed that color for 2 days...he thought it was cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your eggs came out soooo pretty. I wish I lived there. I'd make egg salad.