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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tree Huggers

Oh, Hi! You caught me hanging out in this sweet tree at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I have always wanted to climb a tree, so this is a a little bit of my dreams come true.

I bet you're wondering how I managed to get up there? I could say that I climbed up like a monkey, but the truth is Grandpa gave me a lift up here!

Grandpa thinks this tree is 150 years old!!!

Here Grandpa is telling me that this is the very same tree that Uncle Ed climbed up and fell out of and 'had the wind knocked out of him'! The other kids had run to get Grandma 'cause 'Ed had stopped breathing'...but by the time Grandma got to Uncle Ed he was doing better. What a goofball that Uncle Ed was falling out of a tree!

Lily decided to take a nap in the tree...just kidding! She was being a silly Lily.

Model Lily decided to strike a pose for her captive audience- I guess there's more than one way to have fun in a tree.

I did not, however, like to be in the same tree as Lily! Her hair was blowing in my face and it was bothering me. I wouldn't smile nicely for mom, so she got what she got!

It was fun to 'climb' the tree- I can't wait for my next visit because I'm going to wear jeans so I can actually climb up myself!

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