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Monday, March 1, 2010

At 69 Weeks Old...

I hear I'm 69 weeks old today--sounds SUPER old, but I just feel like a toddler.

One of my favorite past-times is coloring. Of course, I still like to taste the crayons (wax is yummy!) but not as much as when I was a baby.

Lily is my coloring buddy- she is my color stylist. I love to play with her and Jakie, too!

Besides coloring, I like to be goofy, play tricks on everyone in the house, chase Molly, climb on the kitchen table, jump off of things, walk up and down the stairs, watch Dora, SpongeBob, and Mickey Mouse, dance, sing, and talk up a storm. Here are just of the few words I have mastered this past month: time out (includes the pointing to the time out spot), hands, book, dark, haircut, cool, cuckoo, and my first proper sentence "I see you, Mom"

I can't wait to see what I learn in March...stayed tune!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

69 weeks makes you sound ancient and wise.