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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fishy Update

We've had the fish for 2 weeks. So far, we have been EXCELLENT pet owners!

As you can see, Molly finally discovered our pets & routinely checks to see if we left the lid of the tank open!

Role call:
Chicken Nugget has doubled in size. No wonder- she eats everyone's food. She is also the tank 'bully'

Little Mermaid now gets along with ItchyandJacob- probably as a united front against Chicken Nugget. She is growing bigger and getting darker in color.

ItchyandJacob is now about the same color as Little Mermaid (hard to tell them apart) and the second largest fish in the tank.

We are so good at taking care of our fish. We feed them 3 times a day and change their water weekly. Don't you think we are ready for a puppy (for Lily) AND a kitty (for Jakie)? Croos your fingers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to know why the fish is named ItchyJacob.