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Monday, March 1, 2010

Red Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish...

Mom and Dad finally decided we were ready for some fish as pets---we kept our plants alive (with mom's help) and were nice to Molly. So Saturday we went to Petco where we got to pick out a fish tank and 3 fish- one for each of us!

Let us introduce you to our new swimming buddies: Little Mermaid, ItchyandJacob (one word), and Chicken Nugget.
Editor's Note: Lily was very helpful in procuring a name for Devin's fish...she said "he loves chicken nuggets" and so chicken nugget it is!

It wasn't a surprise that when we put the fish in their tank Little Mermaid and ItchyandJacob started to fight right away!

We do so adore our new fishies- here we are at a pet owners meeting figuring out who gets to feed them.

We've had them for three days and so far so good...only one little mishap- Devin decided to push the fish tank and it almost toppled over the edge. The tank is now in a safer place!

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