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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Going For the Gold

Don't be alarmed...that is a specially trained gymnastics snake. He helps Ms Frankie teach us balancing by swooping in on us while we're standing on the balance beam. The goal is not to fall off. I really love it when the snake 'knocks' me off!

I'm also getting pretty good at kick hand-stands.

Hanging is by far my most favorite part of gymnastics

Mom thinks I was a bat in a former life.

Here I am patiently waiting for Ms Frankie to come and spin me around the bar

Jumping is my second love. Check out his ginormous trampoline! The best part about it is the 'ice-cube' pit at the end of get to jump right into it. Oh, and it's not really ice-cubes- just foam cubes to cushion your jump.

I am an expert tuck jumper!

I so want one of these for our house...

One of the most important things in gymnastics is sticking your landing. I pretty much have that nailed by now.

It also helps to have a slew of adoring fans cheering you on!

At the end of summer gymnastics I got this medal! I take it everywhere with me. I'm so very proud of it.

And you know what the best part of having a medal is? It makes Jake green with envy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lily,

You look like such a big girl, here. Have fun at gymnastics!