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Friday, September 10, 2010

Kindergarten- At Last!

Watch out Kindergarten, here I come! I have my name tag and my backpack, and I'm ready for the bus to pick me up!

I thought this day would never ever come. The very first thing I did when I woke up was run downstairs, take off my pjs, and put on my school clothes.

The bus stop is at the end of our block. Mom, Dad, Lily, and Devin all walked me there (I'm told I'm still too little to go by myself)

There were a lot of kids waiting for the same bus. Some of them were even in kindergarten with me.

The hardest part was waiting for the bus. I thought it would never come...

But it did! I climbed aboard, picked a seat, and was off to meet Mrs Stalock and the rest of my class.

I had a great day at school- we played, read a story, and did crafts. The best part was when we did a census of the class and I learned that there were more boys than girls!!!

I can't wait for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Jacob! You are growing up fast ...