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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another Milestone Reached

I have discovered the joy of sticking my finger up my nose...who knew that a finger could fit up there! It took me by surprise at first, but then with a few words of encouragement from my brother and sister I kept on sticking my finger up my nose.

I understand this is not a novel discovery, but I am the youngest one in my family to do so at the ripe old age of 14 months!

Lily discovered this passion at 16 months.

Jakie was 15 months when he first did it!

As you can see, I am on the right track- reaching my important milestones just like everyone else!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Snow Experience

It was a perfect Minnesota afternoon this past Sunday- bright blue skies, a few white clouds, and a balmy 36 degrees. We decided it was perfect to go outside and play in the snow. Everyone was excited except maybe Devin.

We donned his cap, snowsuit, and boots. He DID NOT like the boots- he threw a huge tantrum and was inconsolable.

Once outside, Devin decided he was just going to stand still in one spot (at least he didn't cry like Lily did with her first snow experience) and take it all in.

Finally, a smile on his face...maybe this snow stuff isnt so bad after all. He tried to walk, but those darn boots made him fall on his tush.

He started playing with the snow, examining it, and...

of course, tasting it. Mmmmm...was good enough to eat and eat. He couldn't get enough of licking his gloves.

Now that he wasn't so afraid of the snow, sledding was the next step. With Lily along for the ride, he seemed to embrace what was about to happen...

The sledding hill was very slick...WHOOSH! The picture says it all- sledding was a success.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Devin's First Haircut

I was sitting in my booster seat after dinner minding my own business when all of a sudden there on my tray appeared some M&Ms (my all time favorite, by the way). Huh, this is going to be a good night! Then, out of nowhere I heard a buzzing sound (Dad's clippers) and then a snipping sound (huge ole scissors) all around my head...

I'm not all so sure about those M&Ms that keep appearing on my tray anymore...I think they're a ruse.

Then Lily decided to get in on the action. Now some people might like to be pampered by two hairdressers at once, but not me...

I let them know I was not going to pay them for their services.

Oh, wait a head feels lighter...Daddy won't call me his 'little old man' anymore...I LIKE IT! How about you?

Editor's Note: The post-haircut picture had to be taken the next day because Devin was beside himself following the haircut

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Tea Party

What's Christmas without a tea party! Prepping is the hardest need to make sure the 'tea' is just right.

PERFECT! Not too hot and not too cold...hope everyone likes it!

Awww Mom! I can't believe you're taking a picture of me at Lily's tea party! The only reason I'm joining in is 'cause she has chocolate milk and I love chocolate milk. can I make this a little bit manlier??? I know...

I'll take my pants off and talk Super Mario with dad!

It's Good to Have a Sensitive Side

Bitty Baby looked cold to me, so I found a blankie and tried to swaddle her as best I could (I've watched mer mommy, Lily, do it a million times- so I'm kind of a pro at it!)

There, there Bitty Baby, you're mommy will be back about I keep you company until then?

Editor's Note: Devin was actually cooing to the Bitty Baby

Oh! You caught me...I wasn't playing with Bitty Baby...I was just trying to make my sister mad by touching the babydoll...Scouts honor!

Mirror, Mirror...Who's the Prettiest One of All?

Since I spent a great portion of the day making faces in the bathroom mirror, mom and dad bought me my very own vanity! Now I can stare at myself whenever I want to, as long as I want to...oh, and I do!

My favorite thing in the whole wide world is lip gloss. I can apply an entire tube to my lips in less than 5 minutes! Top that Tammy Faye.

I also love to brush and pretend blow dry my hair. Nail polish is another love, but mom won't let me put it on myself (I don't understand why...)

The only problem is that Devin loves the mirror as much as I do...what's a girl to do!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Start to the New Year

What do the drapes, window sill, and blue chair have in common?

They were the culprits in the great nose bruising of 2010! The drapes were drawn and I thought I was going to be goofy and leap into the chair...well, it tipped over and my face hit the window sill. Dad now calls me his 'Little Bruiser'!