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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa's Treat

Santa Cookies!!!!

Tonight is Christmas Eve and we are making Santa some cookies. He's going to be very tired and hungry after flying around all night delivering flowers. Although, we wonder, how does he eat ALL of those cookies?

I took my time and made the cookies fancy and beautiful.

Jake loves to decorate the cookies (he still licks the frosting off the knife, Santa!). He is the fastest cookie decorator I have ever seen.

This year Devin got to help decorate cookies...

He tasted a lot more than he produced, but he had fun!

'Hmmm, I think these cookies are missing something?'

Just kidding! They are perfect. Santa is going to loooooove them.

Voila! How can Santa not love to eat one of these special creations? The plan is to leave the plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and a bowl of carrots for the reindeer...

Dear Santa...don't drink the milk!!!!

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