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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Here we are again- taking the traditional "in front of the Christmas tree" picture! This year, though, there was a little more pressure- the picture was also to double as the Christmas card picture!

I've been doing this for years, so I was up to the challenge. Oh, did I tell you that as incentive to take a great picture, mom and dad said we'd go to the Mall of America and ride on the rides we could?!

Lili is a natural 'ham'. She took some great pictures.

Devin started out great! I'm sure it had nothing to do with all the candy mom kept supplying him (if you look closely you'll see his chocolately lips!).

Of course, all good thing must come to an end...

We eventually lost Devin- all the candy in the world couldn't console him and make him wear that darn Santa hat.

We had many near hits...

We had MANY, MANY misses.

But eventually, we got some awesome hits!

We can't wait for next years pictures. There'll be one more brother in the pictures...imagine the out takes on that photo session...

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