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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Big Boy Bed

Dad, Jake, Lily, and I worked on my big boy bed last night. Apparently there's going to be a new baby next year and my crib will be Jake and I will be roomies!

Here everyone is trying to figure out how to put together the bottom half of a bunk bed.

Jake was ready to go with the electric screwdriver.

Hours later, the work was done! And Daddy was exhausted.

Ta-Da!!! My very own Lightening McQueen bed.
It sure looks cozy.

Wait, the true test is about to come...

Oh yeah, I can get used to all this room. Night-night, and don't let the bed bugs bite!

The First Snow

Isn't the first snow fall beautiful?

It makes everything look magical...

And it's super fun to play in!

Mmmmm...snowflakes are yummy.

Jake and Lily enjoyed the snow, too!

But none as much as Jake- he's the veteran snow player. I have so much to learn from him.

Okay, I'm done with this cold wet stuff- bring on the hot cocoa!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tea With Belle and Her Friends

On Sunday, Grandma, Mommy, and I had tea with Belle and all her friends at East Ridge High School. Isn't her dress beautiful?!

The Beast was there too. I was a little afraid of him even though I know he changes into a good prince.

Grandma and I both thought the table was beautifully set. China tea cups, a pretty teapot full of "tea", and a vase of roses.

The apple juice tea was divine. Oops! I forgot to drink with my pinky up.

We were also treated to some yummy tea cakes- scones with cream, tarts, cupcakes, and chocolate covered strawberries. The frosting was the bast!

As we drank out tea and ate our cakes, Belle and her friends sang us 3 songs. It was wonderful!

Oh my goodness- the wardrobe is stuck and can't get past my chair!

It was definitely an afternoon fit for a princess!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Look Who's Two

I woke up from naps this afternoon and found this downstairs! The birthday fairy had made a visit to my house and decorated just for me.

Hey...where's the cake and presents?

SpongeBob cupcakes!!! I had a little help blowing out my 2 candles...wonder how many will have to help me when I'm 3?

I did it! I am now officially two.

Oh cupcake, you look SO scrumptious....


mmmmm....want some?

That cupcake has given me I have the strength to open my presents

Opening presents is a very serious thing. I got alot of great toys- cars, dinosaurs, and more cars.

You know it's been a great birthday when you end up playing with your favorite birthday toy without pants on !!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Boo to You!


I'm dressed in my Lightning McQueen outfit and ready to get to trick-or-treating...I'm giddy with delight!

Mommy always makes us pose for a picture before we head out (boo!)

This year we did an impromptu dance/jig/rap asking the candy gods to grant us a super duper ginormous haul...

Oh, and it worked! This is just Lily's pile.

We ate candy until we couldn't eat anymore ('cause it was our bedtime).

Hope your Halloween was as spooktacular as ours!