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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Turtles Are Coming!

Here I am at the 24th Annual Turtle Derby sponsored by UMMC -Amplatz Children's Hospital getting my face painted. I've been coming here since I was 1 month old!

This year, Grandma even came with to see what all the hype was about.

Lily didn't remember being here last year, but she sure made up for it. Check out her cool heart and rainbow tattoo.

This year, we had three turtles entered into the derby: Luigi, Mario, and Princess Peach

Guess who won? Devin's turtle, Mario!

What you may ask is Devin staring at SO intently? Turtles? Balloons? The Tooth Fairy? Nope.


We had a blast watching turtles, eating yummy food, making necklaces, getting our faces painted, and hangin' out with Grandma!

Until next year...I think maybe that's the year MY turtle will win!

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