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Monday, March 29, 2010

Mom's Spring Flowers

Well, here we are again...with flower headbands on our heads...posing for Easter card pictures! Wonder if those people who get the cards really know what we go through to get that 'perfect shot'?

Someone needs to tell mom that next year we might not be so co-operative. For now, though, we let her have her fun.

Lazy Sundays

Mommy, can't you see I'm trying to watch the BEST movie ever "Monsters Inc". It's getting to the good part. Jake and Lily will be back from church soon and then I won't be able to watch Sully and Mike.

Finally, I can watch in peace. I so love my Sunday mornings without my brother and sister...

Just me and mommy, hangin' out, watchin' movies...this is definitely the life!

P.S. Please don't tell Jakie and Lily what goes on at home while they're at church- I might loose my much needed Sunday "me time"!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Helper Monkey Lily


Lily helps me out with learning the body parts. She is super at it.


Sometimes I get over zealous and stick my whole hand in her mouth!


This is retribution for when Lily pokes me in the eye when she's saying 'good-night' to me.


Oh, how I love to yank the barretts out of her hair. She never seems to mind...

Isn't she great! She lets me poke her and prod her- all in the name of education. I sure do love her. And I know she loves me just as much...afterall, I'm 'her baby'!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Minnesota Auto Show

Last Saturday we all went to the Auto Show at the MN Convention Center in downtown Minneapolis. Mom and Dad talked on & on about some big pharmacy test they took here...but we were interested in the REALLY tall buildings.

When we got there, Mom and Dad tricked us- see this picture? They told us that THIS was the Auto Show. What a bunch of goofs!

This is the very first car I decided to try out! Mom kept trying to get me to pose for pictures but I said 'Stop'. I'm driving and I need to concentrate (maybe keep your eyes open as well??)

Next I tried out the trunks- this one was very roomie. I heard that Grandma Genia and her friend Mrs. Zelma would have approved of all this ample space. It's been known that they used to buy their cars based on trunk space.

Lily also loved the auto-show. She didn't get to sit in the driver's seat very often (someone beat her to it constantly), but when she sat in the car the first thing she would do is buckle up. Yeah for safety!

This is what we came to see- the Camero! Dad's dream car. It seems like a sweet ride but we were disappointe that we couldn't get to it (and oh we tried)

Lily decided that maybe she'd like to be a car model instead of a kitty doctor. They had access to all the really cool cars AND they got to spin in a circle!

Dad got to sit in his dream mobile. After he got out he informed us that "you can rent these"'s good to have dreams, Dad!

Even little Devin got to try out some of the cars- always in the back seat, but he didn't care...he giggled, crawled around the seats, prodded and pulled at the interior. He'd make a great inspector one day!

Here we are checking out the tunes on the Mini Cooper convertible. As perpetual shot gun, Lily should get say in the tunes, but as big brother, I get some input as well. The convertibles were our favorite. We couldn't believe that Mommy had one! She misses it...maybe one day? Mommy's can have car dreams as well...

This is the last photo that Mom took---after this I slammed my finger in a Ford and I wanted to go home!

A cup of ice later, lots of kisses, and a treat made my black and blue finger somewhat better. I am proud of it and show everyone I can how black and blue it is.

Fishy Update

We've had the fish for 2 weeks. So far, we have been EXCELLENT pet owners!

As you can see, Molly finally discovered our pets & routinely checks to see if we left the lid of the tank open!

Role call:
Chicken Nugget has doubled in size. No wonder- she eats everyone's food. She is also the tank 'bully'

Little Mermaid now gets along with ItchyandJacob- probably as a united front against Chicken Nugget. She is growing bigger and getting darker in color.

ItchyandJacob is now about the same color as Little Mermaid (hard to tell them apart) and the second largest fish in the tank.

We are so good at taking care of our fish. We feed them 3 times a day and change their water weekly. Don't you think we are ready for a puppy (for Lily) AND a kitty (for Jakie)? Croos your fingers!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Red Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish...

Mom and Dad finally decided we were ready for some fish as pets---we kept our plants alive (with mom's help) and were nice to Molly. So Saturday we went to Petco where we got to pick out a fish tank and 3 fish- one for each of us!

Let us introduce you to our new swimming buddies: Little Mermaid, ItchyandJacob (one word), and Chicken Nugget.
Editor's Note: Lily was very helpful in procuring a name for Devin's fish...she said "he loves chicken nuggets" and so chicken nugget it is!

It wasn't a surprise that when we put the fish in their tank Little Mermaid and ItchyandJacob started to fight right away!

We do so adore our new fishies- here we are at a pet owners meeting figuring out who gets to feed them.

We've had them for three days and so far so good...only one little mishap- Devin decided to push the fish tank and it almost toppled over the edge. The tank is now in a safer place!

At 69 Weeks Old...

I hear I'm 69 weeks old today--sounds SUPER old, but I just feel like a toddler.

One of my favorite past-times is coloring. Of course, I still like to taste the crayons (wax is yummy!) but not as much as when I was a baby.

Lily is my coloring buddy- she is my color stylist. I love to play with her and Jakie, too!

Besides coloring, I like to be goofy, play tricks on everyone in the house, chase Molly, climb on the kitchen table, jump off of things, walk up and down the stairs, watch Dora, SpongeBob, and Mickey Mouse, dance, sing, and talk up a storm. Here are just of the few words I have mastered this past month: time out (includes the pointing to the time out spot), hands, book, dark, haircut, cool, cuckoo, and my first proper sentence "I see you, Mom"

I can't wait to see what I learn in March...stayed tune!