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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Devin and His Kitty

My kitty is my BFF! I take him (and I think it's a he) everywhere- he keeps me calm and sane.

Do you know what's even better than my kitty- two kitties! Whenever I get a chance I steal Jakie and Lily's kitties and given the love they are craving. Jakie and Lily only want their kitties when I take them- what's up with that? And, as you can see, they make great pom-poms!

Now this is what I'm talking about- me and all the kitties going for a stroll around the kitchen island. It won't be long before my brother and sister realize what I have done and a chase will ensue...gosh, I LOVE to be chased.

I now try to pose for pictures- how do you like my camera smile...I'm going for a Lily/Jakie combo. Do you think I've achieved it?

I think I am the biggest goof-ball in the family. Oh, and yes, I did bend Lily's dolly stroller, but Dad fixed it before Lily saw. So mums the word.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trick-or-Treat Adventure

Before we bundled up and went out into the cold to trick-or-treat we stopped to take some pictures.

The plan was for mom to take Jakie and Lily trick-or-treating and Dad was going to stay home with Devin and hand out candy. It was too cold for Devin and Mom handed out candy last year.

We kept saying we didn't need coats, but as you can see, coats were a necessity. It sure was cold, especially for mom. She made it through both sides of our block and then said it was Dad's turn to brave the other blocks.

Here we are being goofy by trick-or-treating at our own house! If you look closely you'll see Devin stealing candy from Lily's pail...that was his thing. Whenever the kids came to the door the kids would take candy from us...and Devin would take some from them. No one ever saw- what a sneaky little guy!

Devin was dressed as a black kitty to help mom, who was dressed as a witch, hand out candy. He was a big hit with the other mommies who kept saying "Oh, how adorable'!

We finally made it home with a TON of candy. We neede to make sure that we got our favorites- Lily got her lollipops.

And Jakie got his chocolates. And there's Devin helping himself to a lollipop.

Dad decided it was okay to let Devin have a lollipop. All was well until...

Mom took it away.

Hope you had an extra spooky Halloween.

Princess Dora Meets Dora the Explorer

The night before Halloween we decided to check out Nickolodeen Universe at the Mall of America. We got to wear our costumes AND ride the rides. Here I am waiting patiently in line to meet Dora and Diego. Jakie was upset that we had to take time out from rides so he refused to meet my idols. So I waited and waited...and waited.

Boy was it worth it! Dora gave me the biggest hug ever. And she was impressed by my Princess Dora costume- I think she thought she was looking in a mirror. As you can see behind me, Diego CANNOT believe that Devin is dressed up as Boots! Devin actually got alot of admiring glances from the little kids as we walked through the mall. It's only Devin people!

I got to pose for pictures with Dora and Diego. It's a little daunting to be in the presence of such greatness- but I did it! Those guys sure were nice.

I wanted to take pictures with SpongeBob and Patrick but the line was INSANE! So instead...

I went for a ride on my all time favorite little merry-go-round with Devin while Jakie went on the Backyardigans swing ride all by himself!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Devin's Monster Mash

Here I am right before my guests arrived to help celebrate my first birthday. As you can see, it was a costume party! I decided to come as Boots, Dora's faithful side-kick.

The theme was "Devin's Monster Mash" Everyone came dressed up- even Grandpa dressed up! He came as Super Mario. That was really cool of him.

Here's my cake- Target sure makes a yummy one!

Kitty and I patiently awaited everyone to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me and then CAKE!

Yeah for ME!

I wasn't too sure about the cake at first...

After mom let me have a taste of frosting I was a little more game at trying this cake thing...

Oh, yeah...I LOVE CAKE! I ate the entire cupcake and was in sugar shock for the rest of the day.

At dinner, I go to have a small piece of cake. When I finished it I looked over at Dad and said "Da" and then signed the word for 'more'...needless to say, I didn't get anymore and boy did I let them know I was unhappy.

We each got to decorate a pumpkin to keep. Here's Cousin Nate...I know, there's picture of him (volunteerely) who knew that could happen! He came dressed as a dinosaur.

Here's Cousin Julia aka Nancy Drew with her pumpin kitty creation.

Princess Dora (my big sister Lily) also made a pumpkin kitty. Uncle Ed helped her out- he's not so bad for being a poohmitt!

Jakie made a kitty pumpkin as well (what's with all these kitty admirers?) He came dressed as a police officer.

Grandma and Cousin AJ (aka Elmo) settled down to watch me open my presents. They came a little late because Cousin Amelia decided to be born earlier that morning. She probably wanted to come to my party!

All the kids helped me open ALL of my cool presents.

Thanks for celebrating with me- I sure had a BLAST!