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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Student of the Month

Jake was chosen Student of the Month at Liberty Ridge Elementary!

His teacher stated in her nomination: "Jacob has taken risks in his writing and he has done so well! He shows bravery and courage to his classmates and has made a lot of growth at school. Way to go Jacob"!

We are so very proud of him, and so is Jake!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Newest Mario Fan(atic)

Devin has confiscated Jake's Super Mario Galaxy
walk through book, and is intently studying it.

He loves Mario and Luigi as much as his older brother. The cutest thing in the world is to watch them play the Mario games together on the weekend...Jake is so patient and encouraging (and when he's not, he makes Devin be a bubble).

Wonder if the newest brother will also develop this love of all things Mario???

Monday, February 14, 2011

100 Days of Kindergarten

Not only is today Valentine's Day, but it is also my 100th day of Kindergarten!!! We had a party in class and made this really cool hat. I got alot of Valentines, candy, and treats.

Hope your Valentine's Day was as sweet as mine! XOXO

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa's Treat

Santa Cookies!!!!

Tonight is Christmas Eve and we are making Santa some cookies. He's going to be very tired and hungry after flying around all night delivering flowers. Although, we wonder, how does he eat ALL of those cookies?

I took my time and made the cookies fancy and beautiful.

Jake loves to decorate the cookies (he still licks the frosting off the knife, Santa!). He is the fastest cookie decorator I have ever seen.

This year Devin got to help decorate cookies...

He tasted a lot more than he produced, but he had fun!

'Hmmm, I think these cookies are missing something?'

Just kidding! They are perfect. Santa is going to loooooove them.

Voila! How can Santa not love to eat one of these special creations? The plan is to leave the plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and a bowl of carrots for the reindeer...

Dear Santa...don't drink the milk!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Princess Gymnastics Birthday!

Can you guess where I'm going all dressed up in my pink leotard?

To my princess gymnastics 4th birthday party, of course!

I wanted a birthday party fit for a princess!

All of my cousins and friends were invited to help me celebrate turning 4.

First we did an obstacle course to get us warmed up- we balanced on a beam, did summersaults down a ramp, and jumped in the big inflated castle.

Then we moved on to rope swinging- it brought out the Tarzan in me!

Next up- a sleigh ride on the very bouncy trampoline.

My favorite thing to do (besides hanging from bars) is to jump down the big trampoline into a pit of foam blocks!

The very last thing we did was a SUPER big hit with all the kids. We had the option of jumping off of the blue block or the high pummel horse. I was cautious at first and jumped off the low blue block. But after watching Jakie, I got adventurous...

That was the coolest thing I've done! It felt like flying.

Those foam blocks were there to cushion my fall. Psst...I'm a blockhead!!!!

We all ended up in the foam pit and posed for a group picture.

The it was on to pizza, CAKE, and presents.

No birthday is complete without a princess birthday cake (and they even spelled my name correctly!).

See the question mark candle? It was one of my requests- a girl needs to keep her age a secret.

Don't ask me what I wished for...I'll never, ever tell (but, it has 4 legs and barks)

It was so much fun to celebrate with my preschool friends and cousins.

And best of all, my BFF was there!

The it was on to presents! Can you guess what I got that made my mouth drop like this...

Bitty Twins!!! Here they are decked out in matching outfits made by Grandma. As of now, they are named Julia and Lucy (it sounds better than Bitty Twin 1 and Bitty Twin 2, which is what I was calling them)

I got so many nice presents , I was tired and overwhelmed by the end from opening them all.

Thanks for making my birthday so very special! XOXO

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Here we are again- taking the traditional "in front of the Christmas tree" picture! This year, though, there was a little more pressure- the picture was also to double as the Christmas card picture!

I've been doing this for years, so I was up to the challenge. Oh, did I tell you that as incentive to take a great picture, mom and dad said we'd go to the Mall of America and ride on the rides we could?!

Lili is a natural 'ham'. She took some great pictures.

Devin started out great! I'm sure it had nothing to do with all the candy mom kept supplying him (if you look closely you'll see his chocolately lips!).

Of course, all good thing must come to an end...

We eventually lost Devin- all the candy in the world couldn't console him and make him wear that darn Santa hat.

We had many near hits...

We had MANY, MANY misses.

But eventually, we got some awesome hits!

We can't wait for next years pictures. There'll be one more brother in the pictures...imagine the out takes on that photo session...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Molly's New Bed

It's a pillow.
It's a pet.
It's a Molly Pet!