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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breakfast Fit For A Princess

I was invited to Belle's home for breakfast! She's also asked the other Princesses to stop by if they could...

Here I am armed with my pen and autograph book. I didn't know who was going to stop by, but I didn't want to miss a moment. In fact, I will not eat until I have met them all!

Belle was the first princess I met. She loved that teddy was in a Belle dress! We talked for a little bit (I told her I was going to be Belle for Halloween) and then took some pictures. Her dress was beautiful.

Sleeping Beauty was the next princess to arrive. I was still star struck from meeting Belle!

Oh, Cinderella finally arrived! And she didn't bring those wicked step-sisters and evil step-mother- good!

Isn't she just divine?!

Snow White asked me to dance with her! After our dance she told me I was a great dancer. She was so sweet- she spent a little time talking princess stuff with me.

Finally...the Little Mermaid arrived. She had the most beautiful dress on- it was the same color dress as I had on! Aeriel loved my dress by the way AND she called me her "Little Starfish"!

She asked me to help lead a little parade around the restaurant with her. When we were done she told me that I had a great princess wave!

I got to hug her good-bye...

And she even gave me a big smooch on my cheek.

Which stayed with me...

What an enchanting breakfast I had!

Editor's Note: After the last princess stopped by to talk with her, Lily turned to us and asked if they were all done. we said yes and then she said "Now I'm hungry" and finally ate her breakfast! Every morning thereafter she asked if we would be eating with the princesses...I think she had a fabulous time, what do you think???


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you Lily.
I'm eager to talk to you and learn all about the trip.
See you Saturday.
Love ,
Grandma and Papa

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lily had a wonderful time.

And Miss Lily was the prettiest princess of them all.

How fun!