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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

T-Ball: The Green Twins

This evening was the big T-Ball game- us kids (aka The Green Twins) vs the parents (aka the Green Sox).

Dad and I warmed up before the game- we tossed the ball to each other and fielded ground balls.

Then we talked a little plan was to hit
a smacker and Dad gave me some tips on getting the ball out of the park!

Finally, the game started. The Green Twins were up to bat first.

I was first to bat for my team. I felt the smacker in me...

I swung, giving it all I had...

And a definite smacker which got me to first base!

Then it was time for us to hit the field- the Green Sox were batting. But we were ready for them!
My Dad was up to bat first- he hit it as hard as he could, and made it to first base, but then...
we got him out at third!!!! Oh yeah!

The Green Twins smoked the Green Sox 20-0! I loved being on the T-Ball team. I made a lot of new friends and got to play the game I love.

I can't wait until next year!

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