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Monday, August 2, 2010

Kindergaten: Take 1

Today is the first day of the 'Kindergarten Here I Come program'. I will spend 3 hours a day Mon-Thurs for 2 weeks in my new school. It's a way to get me used to the layout of the classrooms and school. I have been up since 6:20 asking Mommy if it's 8:25 am yet (that's when the bus comes to pick me up)

Let's see...
Backpack? Check!
Snack? Check!
Folder? Check!
Clean underwear? Check!
I think I'm ready to head out to the bus stop.

Hmmm.....Did I put on clean underwear? Of course I did!
I wonder what we'll do at school today? Will I know anyone on the bus? at school? (These were all of Jake's concerns this morning)

Will 8:25 am NEVER come?

"Oh, my goodness. I see it"!

I gave Mommy a kiss on the cheek, waved to the kids, and climbed up into the bus. The bus driver asked me if I was Jacob and told me to take a seat in the first row.

I can't believe I'm going to school! I can't wait to tell you everything that I learned.

Editor's note: The moment the bus pulled away Lily burst into sobs. She said she was going to miss him.

I had been feeling nostalgic and getting teary eyed myself, so when Lily burst into tears mine flowed as well. What a site- the two of us hugging each other crying on the corner missing our Jakie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are such a big boy on the school bus. Wow!

Good luck in school.

--Stinky and Herbert