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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

T-Ball: The Green Twins

This evening was the big T-Ball game- us kids (aka The Green Twins) vs the parents (aka the Green Sox).

Dad and I warmed up before the game- we tossed the ball to each other and fielded ground balls.

Then we talked a little plan was to hit
a smacker and Dad gave me some tips on getting the ball out of the park!

Finally, the game started. The Green Twins were up to bat first.

I was first to bat for my team. I felt the smacker in me...

I swung, giving it all I had...

And a definite smacker which got me to first base!

Then it was time for us to hit the field- the Green Sox were batting. But we were ready for them!
My Dad was up to bat first- he hit it as hard as he could, and made it to first base, but then...
we got him out at third!!!! Oh yeah!

The Green Twins smoked the Green Sox 20-0! I loved being on the T-Ball team. I made a lot of new friends and got to play the game I love.

I can't wait until next year!

Changing of the Guard

This week has been a busy bike week in our family. Jake is riding a 2 wheeler and I am now on the co-pilot! Yep, I'm a big kid now and I'm lovin' it!

I went on my first co-pilot bile ride last went so great that by the end of the ride I was pretending to sleep in my seat (Daddy didn't really like that!).

Soon I'll be riding my own 2 wheeler, but for now, I'll stick to being Daddy's co-pilot.

PS I don't miss the bike trailer- it was getting too small for me and Devin kept falling asleep on my shoulder on long rides

Sunday, August 15, 2010

2 Wheels Are Better Than 4

Do you see anything unusual about my bike? It doesn't have training wheels!!!

It took me two lessons to learn to balance on two wheels. Daddy took me to a flat sidewalk and had me practice- I didn't fall down once! I had some close calls, but I managed to stay in the seat and ride like the wind.

Now all I want to do is ride, ride, ride...

Do you know what would be even more awesome than learning to ride on 2 wheels? Riding a new bike with 2 wheels...hint, hint, hint.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jake: 5th Year Photos

On a very hot July morning a photographer came out to our house to take Jake's 5th year pictures. Despite the heat, he took her on a tour of our backyard, the adjoining farmland, and the park- explaining to the photographer about 'Rocky', Buddy's New Home, wasp's nests, swinging, climbing, and hanging. By the end the photographer and mom were hot and exhausted, but Jake (drenched in sweat) was still ready to go!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Kindergaten: Take 1

Today is the first day of the 'Kindergarten Here I Come program'. I will spend 3 hours a day Mon-Thurs for 2 weeks in my new school. It's a way to get me used to the layout of the classrooms and school. I have been up since 6:20 asking Mommy if it's 8:25 am yet (that's when the bus comes to pick me up)

Let's see...
Backpack? Check!
Snack? Check!
Folder? Check!
Clean underwear? Check!
I think I'm ready to head out to the bus stop.

Hmmm.....Did I put on clean underwear? Of course I did!
I wonder what we'll do at school today? Will I know anyone on the bus? at school? (These were all of Jake's concerns this morning)

Will 8:25 am NEVER come?

"Oh, my goodness. I see it"!

I gave Mommy a kiss on the cheek, waved to the kids, and climbed up into the bus. The bus driver asked me if I was Jacob and told me to take a seat in the first row.

I can't believe I'm going to school! I can't wait to tell you everything that I learned.

Editor's note: The moment the bus pulled away Lily burst into sobs. She said she was going to miss him.

I had been feeling nostalgic and getting teary eyed myself, so when Lily burst into tears mine flowed as well. What a site- the two of us hugging each other crying on the corner missing our Jakie.