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Monday, July 19, 2010

Big Shoes to Fill

Papa sure does have big feet! These tennis shoes are HUGE. What does he wear? A size 20????

Even though the shoe is much larger than mine I can't seem to get it'd think with such a big hole my little dainty foot would just slip in (Cinderella-like).


But why can't I walk?

They're what? On wrong? Mommy, I have no idea what you're talking about...

I can't walk because they weigh a ton!

Pre-Halloween Fun

Don't be scared. It's just us in our old Halloween costumes. Even Mommy got in on the fun. This kept us busy for hours!

It's never too early to figure out what you're going to be for Halloween. I'm going to be Luigi. Lily wants to be a scary witch, and Devin freaks out whenever he sees a DJ Lance costume.

What are you going to be?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jake the Co-Pilot


Check out my new ride. It's a co-pilot. That means I can help Daddy or Mommy pedal (or not) on longer bike rides.

Here we are about to take off for the first spin around the block to test it out...

Let me tell you, "It was AWESOME"!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Jake and Lily have abandoned their Connect 4 game to watch the new SpongeBob episode on Nick.

Now I can finally play...they NEVER let me play the game with them.

Ooooo...I think I'm going to win this time!

Tea for Two...or Three

Baby Fava and Baby Odie are having a princess tea party! I like to throw them as often as I can.

I like to serve chocolate milk and soup. Sometimes I make cookies for the occasion. There's nothing like drinking real chocolate milk from an itty bitty cup (mommy sometimes lets us do this and it's the best).

So if you're ever in the neighborhood stop by and I'll set out the tea service for a's one of my favorite things!

It's What's For Dinner...

Hi! You've caught me relaxing after a great meal- kicking back, feet on the table, waiting for dessert.

What, feet don't belong on the table?

Excuse me, there seems to be something stuck to the bottom of my foot. It could be anything...spaghetti? smushed peas?

Carrots. definitely carrots!

You're impressed that I can still do this at 21 months, aren't you! I'm still as flexible as the day I was born!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Devine Devin

Aren't I divine?

Lily has the best jewelry. She lets me wear this Cinderella necklace. You know what? I do feel like a princess when I wear it!

If you ask me, the necklace brings out the blue in my blue/green eyes.

And no, you can't borrow them!