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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Officially a Toddler

Devin has been walking along furniture for about 3 months now.
A week and a half ago he took off on his own. Everyday he walks
a little faster...and as you can see from the video he'll soon be running.
Afterall, look who has to keep up with!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Afton Apple Orchard

Where in the world is Devin's Kitty? Why at Afton Apple Orchard! When we got to the farm, mom tried to take Kitty out of Devin's hands ( so it wouldn't get lost or dirty)...but Devin had a death grip on Kitty. So Kitty joined us for the festivities.

Before we headed out for a tractor hay ride, we stopped in front of the apple tree for a photo op- gosh those apples sure smelled good. The hay ride was AWESOME! Especially when the tractor needed to give it its all to climb a steep hill.

Yes, we ARE the apple of our parents' eye. Lily, however, is giving the camera her stink eye aka her poohmitt look!

We also got to measure ourselves. Jacob is a little shy of 4 ft, Lily is a little over 3 1/2 ft, and Devin is about 2 1/2 ft. Of course, do you think that huge ruler was calibrated correctly?

The tractor dropped us off at a GINORMOUS playground- there were these very cool swings made of recycled tires. Only thing is, they didn't swing very well.

Jake found this incredible slide- it's a metal conveyer belt. It was the bumpiest slide EVER. But we couldn't get enough of it.

Next, we climbed a huge haystack. Devin almost made it to the top, but he took a little rest. Jake and Lily played king of the haystack-running around it, climbing to the top, and leaping off (and I mean leaping!).

Lastly, we checked out the pumpkins. Decin wasn't sure what to make of them...he kept trying to eat them!

There we go, pumpkins are for lounging. Devin and his Kitty had a blast in the pumpkin patch.

Jake wished that they had one of those 1300 lb pumpkins that we saw smashed to bits on tv the other day, but he was ok with the little ones. Next year, we're off to Stillwater for the pumpkin smasher'ama.

Lily had a great idea- lets come here every year! We couldn't agree with you more.